The Birthday

On Friday me and my brother went to town and got some new stuff. After we got some new stuff me and my and my brother went to have lunch it was nice. when we had lunch we went back home and had tea. The next day me mum and my sisters went to my uncles birthday he turned 21. When we said hello to the family we had lunch. After lunch we went back to Nan's. When we got to my Nan's the Aunty's and uncles had a party. The next day we went to the blue lake it was fun. After we had a swim we went home and watched movies we watched was 50 first date Ip man they were cool movies. It was a cool weekend

Room 19's Visit to the Buried Village

On Monday a couple of weeks ago Room 19 went to Buried Village. It was fun because we all got handed a work sheet paper so we could get more information about the Tangiwai disaster. Also we went up three big steps to get to the waterfall to get a better view of the waterfall. After we looked at the waterfall. After we looked at the waterfall we went to the Cafeteria. When we had a big rest from the walk we went to the vans and went to the Tarawera Lake it was a big view. After the lunch we went back to school.

Museum Trip

On Monday a couple of weeks ago room 19 went to the museum. when we got to the museum we went around the museum.We went in a room and sat down. We got handed a pen a borad and a paper it was a work.The sheet we had was a sheet that we had to fill out.When we got handed the paper it was about mount Tarawera eruption. when we finished the paper we went to the movie room. The movie was about how the Mount erupted. It was a cool movie. After the movie we went back to school. It was cool at the museum.

About my holiday

Hey my name is Tina. In the holidays I went to Hamilton. In Hamilton I went to stay with my mum for the holiday. When my dad dropped me and my brothers of my mum took us to town. In town we went shopping it was fun.After we did shopping we went to time zone.when we got to time zone me and my mum took some photos it was fun. Then me and my mum's boyfriend played pool it was cool and funny I liked it. When we had fun at tie zone we went to me uncle house it was his Birthday he is 30 years old. After the Birthday we went back home and which movie's. After the movie's we which we went to bed. The next morning we went to my nan and koro. At my nan and koro house we went to the beach and had a swim and got some fish and chip to eat on the way. when we got the fish and chips we got in the car and went back home.A hour later we had to the hospital because my koro was in ICU it was sad to see my koro in ICU.

About Myself

Hey my name is Tina. I am thirteen years old. I have 4 brothers and me. My brother names are Dominic, Draden, Dalamere, and Ezra. I have a cat of my own her name is Gina. My best subject would be maths and reading. My birthday is on May 29. The school I go to is Kaitao Middle School. The class I am in Room 19. My teacher names are Whaea Kelly, Matua Andrew. My favourite sport is touch and Rugby. My favourite food is McDs, BK and hangi. My best friends are Cheyanne H, Jay, Unity Anahera, Shayla. My favourite programme is Home and Away and Shortland Street